Thursday, November 13, 2008

I don't wanna.

Anatomy exam 2 came and went. I did better on this exam than I did on the last one, which pleases me, but not as well as I would have liked (of course, anything less than a 100 is 'not as well as I would have liked,' given my inherent OCDish-perfectionist tendencies, so this is somewhat less than surprising). So the limbs are done. And the pelvis, and the perineum. On to the head and neck! Onward and upward to the Circle of Willis, I say! And on to a biochem quiz!

One problem.
I don't wanna.

Woke up at 3:30 this morning, couldn't get back to sleep, and I don't wanna. Don't want to go to my PCP preceptor's office this afternoon; don't want to study for my biochem exam (though I have been, don't get me wrong); don't want to learn physiology or biochemistry this morning. And yet I will do all these things. Because that is what adulthood in general, and professional school specifically, is about. Mostly doing things that you're excited about, but on some days, when you just want to stay in bed and look at or maybe watch an Eddie Izzard DVD or finish that painting you've been putting off...going into lecture or lab anyway. Bleargh.

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