Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day of Diarrhea

Laugh, if you must. After 6 hours of lecture and small groups devoted to the intricacies of the human bowels, I certainly did. Maybe I was a little slap-happy, getting back in the swing of things after an entire (gasp!) 48 hours sans studying--but by the last hour of lecture yesterday, I was seeing double-entendres everywhere.

"There are two etiologic categories for diarrhea. Number one isn't that important, but number two..." *Snicker*

"There is a wide range of frequencies for bowel movements." (Display of an actual GRAPH of the number of bowel movements per day--in case you were wondering, 'normal' runs from three times a day to three times a week, and the median is once a day.) "As you can see, the graph peaks at once a day, and sort of tapers at either end." *Hee hee*

"Diarrhea is frustrating to diagnose, but it usually comes out all right at the end." *Further laughter, and the recognition that I have the maturity of a fifth-grader.*

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