Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Learning to laugh at my own stupidity--and Microbes!

So I slept essentially...not at all last night (ok, 5 hours) and that was from 4:30 to 9:30. That may not seem like much of a shortcoming to you late-night IMers and Conan O'Brien watchers (yes, I realize I just sounded like a geriatric patient, and secretly I am a 87 year old woman--you kids quit playing grabass on the lawn!), but I've got me some bipolar disorder, and I need my damn sleep. So I was not running on all however-many cylinders today, as became immediately (or, unfortunately, not-so-immediately) apparent when I went to pick up some essentials at the grocery store today. Never mind that the grocery store is kind of a fraught place for me, or that I have a rough time actually picking things up and putting them in the cart, or that I always feel like I'm in 15 different people's way...beyond all that intrinsic neurosis, I got to the check-out counter FINALLY, and when all was said and done...I didn't have my credit card with me. Got it out of my wallet to do God-knows-what with it and never put it back in, and had all of $7 in cash with me. So I did the whole stammering/turning red/sweating/sympathetic nervous system in overdrive thing, y'know, where you wish the earth would open up and swallow you down to the bowels of hell where at least you could hang out and drink absinthe with Oscar Wilde. So I muttered an apology and all but ran out the front door, my face a color somewhere between "rose" and "carmine" in the Martha Stewart interior decorating palette. Once I was home and finishing the last of a bottle of merlot I could look back at it and laugh, because it is sort of a ridiculous situation for a person who's obsessed with doing everything perfectly and never incoveniencing anyone to find herself in. Maybe I'm learning, little by little, to laugh at my shortcomings--at least those that don't kill anyone (please, please, universe, don't let there be any of the other kind!).
Also, had Microbes today for the first time, and it was so utterly kewl. We got a pack of these Microbe Cards to augment our learning Pokemon or sports trading cards, with images of the infectious fungi, bacteria, viruses, or parasites in question on one side and information (from epidemiology to diagnosis to treatment) on the opposite side. I'm really looking forward to getting together a microbe card playing league..."I play N. gonorrhea!" "I play Cipro!" or "I play Hepatitis C!" "I play interferon!" Gonna be a +3 infectious disease specialist by the end (Note: I have never actually participated in an RPG and thus have no idea what I'm talking about...except for the microbes. I kind of know what I'm talking about there, but only to such an extent that I can sound reasonably intelligent at cocktail parties and probably be very dangerous to actual patients, which is why I'm not yet allowed in the same room with them without an M.D. chaperone).

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